In less than two weeks, it will be five years since my mother passed away. She is the reason I became interested in learning more about my ancestors. Just recently I came into possession of several voluminous notebooks of her genealogical research. They serve as a hefty reminder of just how much she and my father accomplished in researching our family tree. When I set out to pick up where they left off, I had no idea just how much more there was to discover.
Regrettably, it was not until after she passed that I became interested in genealogy. In truth, I only feigned slight interest when the topic was broached while she was living. That is a bell in the distance that cannot be un-rung. Yesterday, I was elected to serve as a Director on the Board of the North Carolina Genealogical Society. I cannot help but wonder what my mother would think of that. I think she’d be pleased. To the fine folks of North Carolina, I am unapologetic of my insufferable passion for genealogy and I am excited to help others discover their pasts as my mother helped me and my siblings.