Cut it out. You’re Confusing the Lemmings.

I am auditioning titles for my new book on Martin Trentham. This is one of my favorites. In what will surely become an unfinished project laced with self-inflicted bouts of lunacy, I’ve decided that I simply can’t take it any more. I’ve developed an obsession (thus the lunacy) of trying to set people straight on the topic of Martin Trentham –… More →

Bad news travels far, too

Johann Heinrich Ludwig Grannemann, my 3rd great grand uncle, died three weeks shy of his 19th birthday on December 1,1843. Born in Nordhemmern, Germany in 1824, Johann must have yearned for America. Two of his brothers – my 3rd great grandfather, Johann Heinrich, and the oldest brother, Johann Heinrich – had already made the trip to America by 1842 and were married and busy… More →

Tracking Tricky Tranthams

Having picked the low-hanging fruit from my family tree, I am now faced with doing the kind of genealogical research that could easily and understandably take someone 30 years. Armed with enough Diet Dr. Pepper to choke a horse, I decided to buckle down this weekend and tackle one of the tougher items on my Trantham “to do” list. The first item is… More →

Casting Doubtful Votes

Lydia Turbeville, my 4th great grandmother who tried unsuccessfully to defraud the Army pension office in 1877, may have come by her penchant for dishonesty honestly. Fortescue Turbeville, who died mysteriously in 1710, was most likely Lydia’s direct ancestor – at least this is what I am now trying to prove or disprove. Fortescue fortified his place in history when, as… More →