Twelve brides, twelve grooms, twenty-four cousins (of mine) and a first. Unlike the first eleven pairs, the 12th bride and the 12th groom are related to me… and each other. But not close enough to matter.
“Frieda” is my 4th cousin, 1x removed on my mother’s side. She’s also related to my father. Her husband, “Fritz” is my 3rd cousin, 1x removed on my father’s side. You’ll have to do your own research to figure out how they are related to each other.
I didn’t use their real names even though I was assured by another relative that “Frieda” and “Fritz” knew of their distant cousin-ness when they tied the knot. But I am not taking any chances. After all, who wants to learn from an obscure blog that your father and your mother are also your distant cousins?
And I am never quite finished.
“Fritz”, who is related to my father, is probably related to my mother as well. His real last name is a bit uncommon. There is more work to be done there so we’ll have to let that one alone for a while.
Kenfolk: Both sides
Relations: A tree full
Common ancestors: Yup