
Today marks the 96th anniversary of my paternal grandmother’s birth. Born Mildred Clara Pauline Dusenberg to parents Henry and Minnie (Biesemeyer) Dusenberg, she was the youngest of five children.

Some of my most cherished memories of my grandmother involve her family’s gatherings in New Franklin, Missouri. The Dusenberg Family Reunions, which had been held for generations, were big events. Three or four folding tables were needed to accommodate the covered dishes and baked goods that had traveled from all over Missouri and beyond. I remember how my grandmother would shuffle me and my siblings and cousins around the room proudly introducing us to her siblings and cousins. She beamed with joy. And, oh, how I wish now that I had paid better attention to all of those names! There was always a lot of laughter and storytelling and reminiscing around old family photo albums. Sorrow was often present as well as those who had passed were remembered. Prizes were handed out for various things – who traveled the farthest, the youngest, the oldest, who had been married the longest, etc. I never won any that I recall but my grandmother’s Aunt Emma always took home the award for the oldest member in attendance. After we’d eaten too much and played too hard, we’d say our goodbyes and pile back into our cars and head home. I received a bunch of hugs from wrinkly old women on the way out. One of them always came from my grandmother even though we’d likely see each other in a week or two.

The Duesenbergs of Iowa – distant cousins to my grandmother – also held reunions regularly. The two brothers who built the iconic Duesenberg car hail from this branch of the family tree. A few months ago I made contact with their nephew and my distant cousin who lives in Clear Lake, Iowa. He had in his possession the meeting minutes from the 1936 Duesenberg Family Reunion held in Mason City, Iowa which he graciously shared with me. This particular reunion was a special occasion as some of the Duesenbergs from Missouri were in attendance. Among them was my grandmother’s aunt, Pauline, after whom she was named.

The secretary of the reunion that year reported that a “bountiful” picnic was enjoyed by all. She also reported that the $7.85 collected was enough to cover the cost of the ice cream.

Duesenberg Reunion 5

Kenfolk: Tranthams
Relation: Paternal grandmother
Common ancestors: Mildred’s parents, Henry and Minnie (Biesemeyer) Dusenberg (Duesenberg) are my 1st great grandparents

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