Trentham Timeout

Trentham Through Time

If you’ve any interest in the old “homestead”, then Trentham Through Time is worth the read.

“Local” historian Alan Myatt has written the definitive historical guide to Trentham, which is a suburb of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, England. (My Trentham and Trantham ancestors presumably came to America from Staffordshire circa 1700.) In the book’s introduction, the author sums up the idyllic estate as follows:

“Trentham has been home to a saint and several dukes and has seen many important visitors including a young Victoria, later Queen Victoria”.

The estate also saw the likes of leaders such as Benjamin Disraeli and Winston Churchill. One only has to thumb through the book which is overflowing with historic photos to understand why. With its once magnificent ballroom and sprawling gardens, “opulence” and “grandeur” are the first words that come to mind. Some of the photos date back to the 1850s while others are more recent. The estate has certainly had its ups and downs though which is also evident. Old buildings eventually need T.L.C.

Frankly, I am still a bit unclear as to whether I bear the estate’s name or it bears mine. Assuming the former, I suppose I should be thankful my ancestors who presumably came from this area and brought with them its name chose wisely. Otherwise, I might have been Ken Stoke-on-Trant.

I’ve attempted to contact the author via his publisher to see if he has any insight on when people with the surname “Trentham” first appeared on the scene. If I hear from him, I’ll let you know.

I obtained my copy on Click me.

Kenfolk: Tranthams
Relation: I’d like to think so
Common ancestors: Most likely

Myatt, A. (2015). Trentham Through Time. Gloucestershire, UK: Amberley Publishing.

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